Thursday 25 April 2013

W E I G H - I N

Well... I have been slack on posting for the last 4 days or so... I have weighed in and the results have shocked me.

In my last blog with my I N T R O & R E V E A L I gave you my starting weight and measurements.
I must mention though that I am almost 6 foot tall so the starting 82kg doesn't look totally obese to anyone else but it sure felt it to me...

With my most recent weigh in and measurements, these are the compared results:

                              March 19th                          April 25th

Bicep                     11.5 inches                          11.5  inches

Bust                       38.5 inches                          37.5 inches

Waist                     32 inches                             29.5 inches

Hips                       38 inches                             36.5 inches

Thighs                   24 inches                             22.5 inches

Weight                   82 kg                                   76 kg

I'm pretty effing happy with the out come... I actually have no idea how I managed that much. I guess it's literally from just stopping binging on chocolate and bread and other un-necessary foods that your body doesn't need, and getting myself in the mind frame to eat clean along with a bit of exercise.

It just goes to show easy it is. Once you're in the mindset to eat clean, and once you see results such as I have, it makes me more determined to not eat crap.
Seeing on paper that I'm less 6kg and an average of 1.5 inches is giving me more a reason to put the damn chocolate down.

Ive tried all diets and fads... while they semi worked for a little bit, I gained the weight back even quicker and now that Ive done it the right way.. hopefully it will stay off.

I have exactly 6 weeks until I leave for Nepal and Philippines and a few more kilos to shed and I'm determined to try harder now!

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