Sunday 26 October 2014

Sunday 26th October 2014

Starting up my blog entries again to help motivate me to keep on track. Ive been travelling Europe for 5 months now and excessive alcohol, drunken kebabs, stoned pizza and chips in Amsterdam and endless pastries and cheese in Paris has needless to say taken a toll on my body.

Ive finally moved to London, into a new house, l'll be getting a new job, and have a new routine.
Day One has been great so far. After arriving at 1130pm and walking into my new house to massive house party, it only seemed appropriate that I join in and get drunk with all my new housemates.
So, feeling a little worse for wear today I can say I did extremely well avoiding all the normal hungover carby greasy meals I would normally eat.

1pm Brunch:
Mixed green salad
Balsamic vinegar
Chilli chicken breast
Grilled pineapple
Grilled mushroom
Espresso macchiato

7pm Dinner:
Large can tuna with the oil drained
Large can of sweet corn
Broad beans

No exercise today other than walking up and down Oxford Street