Wednesday 20 March 2013


I stayed at my boyfriends house last night. He doesn't really have many healthy breakfast options. I could have grabbed an apple but I'm picky when it comes to fruit. It has to be ridiculously fresh and crisp and the apples there always tend to be a bit powdery. Other than that, I steered clear of the cereal, its carby and packed with sugar and I also decided not to have toast. Because having toast requires putting butter on it and there was no Vegemite, and I couldn't have Jam, not to mention it wasn't dark rye bread and only wholegrain which is mostly white bread with added grains.. no no.
So, I had a skinny latte with 1 sugar (Jono ordered it for me otherwise it would have no sugar) at the train station, then I had a large soy latte with no sugar when I got to work.

Its not a good idea skipping breakfast because its the most important meal of the day. But I took the coffee path and will jump right back into the protein kick tomorrow morning.


Rather than taking the escalators at Flagstaff station, I took all the stairs from the very bottom level. EVERY TINY BIT COUNTS then walked about 10 minutes to work.
Walked to and from Southern cross shopping centre to get lunch... 25 minutes
Rode my bike home from work.. 30 minutes
2 x reps 20 squats
2 x reps 25 crunches
2 x reps 25 reverse crunches
30 second plank (id slowly built up to 2 minute plank but have since lost core strength and back down to 30 seconds... baby steps)
10 push ups from the knees

4 x 600mL bottle

No snacks due to staying at Jonos :( I'm feeling hungry now and cranky, and stinky breath from 2 coffees hahaha
Chewing Gum - Sugar free Extra

LUNCH - Luckily we have a Coles nearby otherwise I would have been doomed with Vending Machine meals!!!
Rye Vita crackers x 4
Fat free cream cheese
Tinned tuna x 2
Snow Pea sprouts
Large Soy latte (I couldn't resist)

Chive & Onion flavoured Rice Cakes x 4
Most of the time Rice cakes are a good snack, but I have a feeling that the flavour on them wouldn't be healthy.
If you're after an even healthier snack, go with corn cakes as they have less carbs.

After my sweaty bike ride home AGAINST wind slightly uphill.. (its hard) I was ravenous.
Picked at almost quarter of skinless chicken meat and
Then steamed up a whole bunch of veges.
Sweet potato
Sweet corn
and Buk Choy - my fave!
Squeezed a bit of lemon juice all over and yummm!

2 Boiled eggs
Sleepytime herbal tea
LUNCH - Had 4 of these babies!

DINNER - Just chuck in a steamer until cooked

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